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The Top Tips for Walking Your Dogs in Winter

Tips for Walking Your Dogs in Winter

As the days are getting shorter, snowy and windy, walking your dog daily, braving the icy pavements, and chilly weather is a challenge. Every dog parent knows how much their dogs love outdoor and want to play in the thick snow. However, things can become tricky, a reason you may want to look at dog walking Toronto services to help you out.

Should you want to take your pet out yourself, here are a few tips.

1. Sweaters and jackets:

First thing first, warm clothes- sweaters and jackets. Except for few dog breeds like Alaskan Malamutes, Huskies, and Newfoundlanders with heavy fur coats, other breeds struggle to maintain their average temperatures once temperatures drop to freezing levels.

Medium-sized and toy breed ones, as their bodies lie close to the ground, may develop health issues in freezing temperatures. Even if your dog has got a heavy fur coat, do not hesitate to get him or her sweater or jacket this winter. A winter must-have!

2. Boots:

This may sound funny, but you got to get a pair of dog boots for your nest friend. We know your dog will not be so happy about it. They would fight them off with every single step. Trust us; your dog needs them as much as they need your love and care. In winter, more than temperature drops, it is the ice and salt that does more damage to your dogs.

Ask vets - they will tell how much of cases they attend each day related to paw cuts caused by ice and salt chunks. You may prefer thin and rubbery boots to avoid such mishaps and keep those cute paws warm too.

3. Paw care:

Make sure to clip short the paw hair of your dog. Long extended paw hair between your dog’s toes may lead to the accumulation of ice and cause a lot of irritation, infection, and pain. That condition might also cause temporary lameness making it difficult for your dog to walk.

Also, regularly wipe the paws of your dog after every walk outdoors and apply moisturizer. Use any pet safe skin conditioner and keep those paws clean and hydrated. Coconut oil is my personal perfect even if my dog licks it, its pet-friendly and healthy too.

4. Use reflectors:

You will not only be struggling with harsh temperatures but dimming sunlight. So, make sure that you and your dog wear reflective gear. Make sure to get a reflective or LED collar and leash for your furry friend.

It is a good idea to schedule your dog's daily walk in the morning as you will get better visibility.

5. Use common sense.

We do not want to sound rude, but yes, use your common sense. Your dog will display signs of discomfort like whining, lifting or licking paws excessively. If your pet has a history of arthritis, keep winter walks short and avoid slippery and rugged terrains after each walk look at ears, nose, footpads, and tail, as these are the most common places for frostbites.

Seek immediate medical attention in case of frostbite. While walking on frozen lake surface or ponds keep your dog on a tight leash and do not allow him/her to roam around free. It is never easy to tell the thickness of frozen ice, and both you and your dog might fall into icy cold waters leading to hypothermia and life-threatening conditions. Always trust your and dog’s instincts.

Do know that your dog requires daily exercise. Your pet’s daily walks – with dog walker Toronto services - and outdoor activities can be enjoyable and beneficial, if you follow the right tips.

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